- Net Worth: $14.4 B
- Source of Wealth: coal, fertilizers
- Citizen: Russia
- Age: 41
On the list of top 10, Andrey Menichenko is the youngest Richest man in Russia. In March 2009, his net worth dropped to $1 billion which soon recovered after increase in stock prices of his companies. Melnichenko was born in Gomel, Belarus and studied from Plekhanov Russian Academy. His fortune of billions is because of his stakes in billion dollar companies like Eurochem, TMK, MDM Bank and SUEK. Eurochem is a mineral fertiziler company while SUEK is a coal producing company. And TMK is, according to its official website, Russia’s largest manufacturer and exporter of steel pipes and ranks among the global top three pipe producers. His coal and fertilizers makes him the 6th Richest man in Russia.